How much does it cost to attend Annandale?
Annandale offers artists four-week residencies without any entrance fees. Artists are asked to cover their transportation, arts materials, and food-related expenses. AAR will supply artists with a letter of confirmation to apply for grants to offset these costs.
We ask that residents provide a $500 post-dated cheque as a security deposit, which will only be cashed in case of damage to the vehicle or residency property.
For residents using the AAR van, we asked for a non-refundable fee of $300 to cover insurance and a deep clean at the end of the season. Fuel for the van is the responsibility of the residents. More information can be found here.
How do I apply?
AAR is mainly invitation only. Calls for Submission will also be used on occasion. Those Calls for Submission can be found here.
When could I attend?
The residency hosts artists (and, periodically, curators) only in the summer months (June, July, and August) with hopes of expanding our schedule in future years.
Who is eligible?
AAR focuses its support on mid-career artists. For clarity we offer this definition: an artist who has been working consecutively for at least 8 years outside of their graduate degrees, or an equivalent of, at least, 8 years producing and exhibiting an independent body of work. AAR welcomes artists to self-identify as a mid-career artist if they fit such a definition.
AAR occasionally invites curators and arts writers as well.
Where is Annandale?
Annandale, Prince Edward Island is a small fishing village located at 10 Tassell Road, Cardigan, PEI, C0A 1G0.